2018手游排行榜前十名 热门手机游戏下载推荐

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2018手游排行榜前十名 热门手机游戏下载推荐BT手游 BT游戏 破… money out into the bigworld. And when it comes back…RED 最新互…

2018手游排行榜前十名 热门手机游戏下载推荐

BT手游 BT游戏 破解版游戏 破解版游戏盒子(手游盒子)

BT手游 BT游戏 破解版游戏 破解版游戏盒子 尽在乐嗨嗨


             2018手游排行榜前十名 热门手机游戏下载推荐




折扣手游    免费首充,自动打折,1秒到账,低至3折;

变态手游    上线送VIP,无限元宝,变态爆率,GM特权;

游戏规模    5000余款热门手游任选,规模国内领先。



Maisie for this fine pie.

165 INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1965) 165

ANGLE on Maisie's pie. Several pieces gone.

RED (V.O.)

And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned...

TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine.

RED (V.O.)

...there was Andy, keeping the books.

Andy finishes preparing two bank deposits. Norton hovers near the desk, keeping a watchful eye.


Two deposits, Casco Bank and New England First. Night drop, like


Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger and sundry files inside. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife's framed sampler back into place. He cocks his thumb at some laundry and two suits in the corner.NORTON

Get my stuff down t'laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of

whatnot. Tell 'em if they over- starch my shirts again, they're gonna hear about it from me.

(adjusts his tie)

How do I look?


Very nice.


Big charity to-do up Portland way. Governor's gonna be there.

(indicates pie)

Want the rest of that? Woman can't bake worth shit.

166 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1965) 166

Andy trudges down the corridor with Norton's laundry, the pie box under his arm.

167 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 167

TILT UP FROM PIE to find Red munching away as he helps Andy

sort books on the shelves.


Got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear.


What you hear isn't half of it. He's got scams you haven't dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. There's a river of dirty money flowing through this place.


Money like that can be a problem. Sooner or later you gotta explain

where it came from.


That's where I come in. I channel it, funnel it, filter it...stocks, securities, tax free municipals... I send that money out into the big

world. And when it comes back...